Municipal elections: Finding out your election day polling station is easy  

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 11.6.2021 12.01
News item

On the day of the municipal elections, 13 June 2021, voters may only vote at the polling station mentioned in the notice of right to vote sent to them.

Information on the election day polling station can be found in the notice of right to vote and in the Polling station service at Voters may also contact the free service number 0800 9 4770 to ask about their polling station. 

The notices of right to vote in the municipal elections have been sent by post. The notice was sent in electronic format to those eligible voters who have activated the Messages service and given their consent for all official notifications to be sent to them electronically. Around 580,000 people have already activated the service. 

The voting register for the 2021 municipal elections was compiled based on the data contained in the Population Information System on 23 April 2021. If a person has moved after 23 April, the polling station is determined in accordance with the previous municipality of residence. 

Polling stations on the map

Information about municipal elections and voting Voting on election day 

Instructions for voters during COVID-19