Vaalipooli – Valpoolen – Election pool project
From 1 December 2020 to 30 November 2021, the Ministry of Justice will implement the Election Pool project, which will support elections and cooperation between authorities. The project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme. The objective of the project is to strengthen cooperation among authorities and cooperation with social media in addressing election interference and improving election preparedness.
Background and actions
Elections are the foundation of the democratic society and the Finnish elections system is known to be secure and reliable. As the world around us changes, election preparedness requires continuous development and also new actions.
The Election Pool project is linked with National Democracy Programme 2025 and it is based on Ministry of Justice’s training project, which operated in 2018-2019 and focused on raising awareness of election interference.
The concrete actions of the project are the creation of an online tool/platform to support the work of the election authorities, training of authorities and political parties in supporting free and fair elections and participation in EU cooperation on election preparedness. The project will also map actors which have links to safeguarding free and fair elections and elections preparedness and send a questionnaire to them. In addition, the project will cooperate with the social media platforms. The project supports cooperation group on election security preparedness, which e.g. follows the international debate and developments related to election interference and election security
More information about elections
Leaflet about Election Pool project (English)
Leaflet about Election Pool project (German)
Leaflet about Election Pool project (French)
Leaflet about Election Pool project (Estonian)
Follow the project on Facebook and Twitter via Ministry of Justice and Vaalit.fi accounts and hashtags #vaalipoolihanke, #valpoolen, #electionpool and #Demokratia2025, #Demokrati2025.
This project was funded by the European Union's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).
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