Report: Democratic deficit among immigrants and multilingual Finns must be fixed

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 15.6.2022 12.01
Type:Press release

The voice of immigrants and multilingual Finns is not being heard in decision-making and public debate. A report published today by the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO) examines what kind of barriers to participation and exerting influence in society there are among immigrants and multilingual Finns and presents solutions for removing them.

Democratic deficit refers to the underrepresentation of immigrants and multilingual Finns in representative democracy. The report published today examines participation in society from the perspective of electoral participation and mechanisms of direct and participatory democracy. Furthermore, the report deals with equal participation of young people and the role of democracy education in integration training.

Examples of barriers to participation include lack of accessible communication, repeated categorisation of immigrants and multilingual Finns as targets for measures, and open racism.

The recommendations given in the report concern, for example, increasing multilingual and easy-to-understand communications, recognising the role of organisations of immigrants and multilingual Finns, and equality-promoting official activities.

The report was drawn up by the working group on immigrants' and multilingual Finns' participation in society (MOVA) appointed by the Advisory Board for Ethnic Relations (ETNO). The national ETNO works under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice.

Report: Addressing the Democratic Deficit among Immigrants and Multilingual Finns (in Finnish)


Abdirahim Hussein, chair of the working group, tel. +358 45 8992 522, [email protected]
​​​​​​​Priyanka Sood, vice-chair of the working group, tel. +358 44 703 1674, [email protected]
​​​​​​Minna Seikkula, rapporteur of the working group, Doctor of Social Sciences, tel. +358 50 340 0054, [email protected]
​​​​​​​​Nina Suorsa, Specialist, tel. +358 295 150 279, [email protected]​​