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On elections
On elections
Parliamentary Elections
Presidential Election
County Elections
Municipal Elections
European Elections
Elections 2024-2035
For voters
For voters
Voting on Election Day
Voting in advance
Postal voting
Political parties
Political parties
List of Registered Parties
Establishment of a Party
Subsidies to Parties
European Political Parties
Information and Result Service
General information
General information
News archive
Central Principles of Holding Elections
Election Information System
Appeal against Election Results
Election Funding
Electronic voting
Information about the elections in different languages
Election pool project
International election activities
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On elections
Parliamentary Elections
Schedule in the Parliamentary Elections
Holding the Election
Right to Vote and Compilation of the Voting Register
Voting and Polling Stations
Voting in Advance
Voting on Election Day
Eligibility and Nomination of Candidates in Parliamentary Elections
Electoral Districts
COVID-19 pandemic and Parliamentary Elections
Election Results
Election Funding Disclosure
Information about the Parliamentary Elections in different languages
Presidential Election
General information
Holding the Election
Schedule in the Presidential Election
Eligibility and Nomination of Candidates
Electoral Districts
Right to Vote and Compilation of the Voting Register
Voting and Polling Stations
Election Results
Information about the presidential elections in different languages
County Elections
Schedule for the county elections
Frequently asked questions about the 2022 county elections
Wellbeing services counties
County councils
How county elections are conducted
Right to vote and compilation of the voting register
Eligibility and nomination of candidates
Electoral rights of foreign nationals in county elections of Finland
Electoral rights of Finnish citizens in municipal and local elections of other states
Election authorities
Costs of county elections
Counting of votes in county elections
Election funding in county elections
Text message pilot in the 2022 county elections
Appeals in county elections
Information about the county elections in different languages
Information about the county elections in Arabic (عربية)
Information about the county elections in Somali (soomaali)
Information about the county elections in Russian (русский)
Information about the county elections in Estonian (eesti)
Municipal Elections
Right to Vote and Compilation of the voting register
Eligibility and Nomination of Candidates
Electoral rights of foreign nationals in municipal elections of Finland
Electoral rights of Finnish citizens in municipal and local elections of other states
Voting and Polling Stations
Election Results
Information about the municipal elections in different languages
European Elections
Frequently asked questions
Eligibility and Nomination of Candidates
Right to Vote and Compilation of the Voting Register
Electoral rights of EU citizens in European elections in Finland
Electoral rights of Finnish citizens in European elections in another EU Member State
Electoral Districts
Voting and Polling Stations
Election Results
Information about European Elections in different languages
Elections 2024-2035
For voters
Voting on Election Day
Voting in advance
Postal voting
Political parties
List of Registered Parties
Establishment of a Party
Subsidies to Parties
European Political Parties
Information and Result Service
General information
News archive
Central Principles of Holding Elections
Election Information System
Appeal against Election Results
Election Funding
Electronic voting
The Election Unit of the Ministry of Justice
Information about the elections in different languages
Election pool project
International election activities
Election Observation
Electoral Assistance