County elections: Ministry of Justice holds interactive election information clinics

Election information clinics directed at different target groups play an important role in the Ministry of Justice’s preparations for the first county elections. The Ministry holds election clinics for central municipal election boards, county election boards and journalists alike. Information about the elections is also provided at ‘Multilingual county elections 2022’ events. The main language of the events is Finnish, but participants may also present questions in English and Swedish.
At the interactive election information clinics, election specialists from the Ministry of Justice provide municipalities with topical information about county election arrangements and answer any questions asked. These events also provide municipalities with an opportunity to share their ideas on the practical election arrangements with each other. In addition to the clinics, the Ministry of Justice is providing the municipalities with a possibility to attend eOppiva online training.
In connection with the 2021 municipal elections, the Ministry of Justice held election information clinics for journalists for the first time, and this practice is continued in connection with the 2022 county elections. Furthermore, this is the first time that the Ministry of Justice holds election information clinics for county election boards and people working with multiculturalism and immigration, such as CSO employees and authorities, as well as for active members of multicultural organisations and multilingual communities, local councillors and county election candidates.
The election information clinics related to the county elections are held as virtual events, which was found to be a good practice in connection with the municipal elections of spring 2021. Remote arrangements have enabled closer contacts with many cooperation partners, and the clinics have been exceptionally popular.
Instructions and information about the county elections is also available on the website. Election information clinics will be held until the county elections in January.
You can register for the ‘Multilingual county elections 2022’ events by filling in this form.
Heini Huotarinen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 150 127, [email protected]
Laura Nurminen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 150 008, [email protected]
Multilingual county elections 2022
Nina Suorsa, Specialist, tel. +358 29 150 279, [email protected]