Frequently asked questions about the European elections

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General information on European elections

Who has the right to vote?

All Finnish citizens who have reached the age of 18 by 9 June 2024 and citizens of other EU Member States residing in Finland who have reached the age of 18 by 9 June 2024 have the right to vote in the 2024 elections to the European Parliament.

If a citizen of another EU Member State wishes to vote in Finland, the person must register to vote in Finland by 21 March 2024. 

Instructions for citizens of other EU Member States on how to register to vote in the 2024 European elections in Finland

In the European elections, eligible voters may only vote in one EU Member State: either in their home country or in their country of residence.

Where can I find who is standing for election to the European Union?

The Finnish candidates stand for election in the entire country, so you may vote for any of the candidates. Information on the candidates is available online in the Information and Result Service.

Can I vote by proxy or online?

No, you cannot. The right to vote is an inalienable right that must be exercised in person. So far, online voting has not been considered secure enough in Finland.

What is the European Parliament?

The European Parliament is the parliamentary representative body of the European Union. The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent EU citizens at Union level.

What are the tasks of the European Parliament?

The European Parliament enacts EU legislation and adopts the budget of the European Union together with the Council of the European Union. The European Parliament also oversees the work of the Commission and other EU institutions.

Further information on the European Parliament: 

How many MEPs will be elected to the European Parliament?

In June 2024, a total of 720 MEPs will be elected to the European Parliament. Fifteen MEPs will be elected in Finland.

Who will organise the European elections?

Each EU Member State will conduct the elections in accordance with its own legislation. Further information on the organisation of the elections is available on the website of the European Parliament. In Finland, the highest election authority is the Ministry of Justice. 

What will happen after the elections?

In European elections, national political parties compete against each other, but once elected, the majority of MEPs will join one of the supranational European political groups. Read more about the political groups at

The elected MEPs will meet at the first plenary session of the European Parliament, where they will elect a new President of the European Parliament. At its next session, the European Parliament will, based on a nomination by the European Council consisting of the heads of state or government of the Member States, elect a new President of the European Commission. Parliament will subsequently hear the Commissioners-designates and approve the entire College of Commissioners.

When can I vote?

You can vote either in advance or on election day.
The election day is Sunday 9 June 2024. The advance voting period is from 29 May to 4 June 2024 in Finland and from 29 May to 1 June 2024 abroad.

Where can I vote?

You can vote in advance at any advance polling station, also outside of your municipality of residence. On election day, you can only vote at the polling station mentioned on your polling card. More information about advance polling stations and their opening hours is available at to the Information and Result Service.

If you have any questions concerning the elections or voting, you can call the Ministry of Justice's Elections Helpline (0800 9 4770) or send your question on WhatsApp (050 438 8730).

Do I have to vote in the place mentioned on the polling card?

Yes, if you vote on election day. If you choose to vote in advance, you can vote at any advance polling station, also outside of your municipality of residence. The polling card will be sent to you either by post or via Web Service according to your choice. For more information about the service, please see

How can I vote abroad?

If you are abroad, you can vote in advance. Advance voting will be possible at Finland’s diplomatic and consular missions abroad. Information about advance polling stations abroad is available at LINK. 

If you reside or stay abroad throughout the advance voting period and on election day, you may also vote by post. You may order the postal voting documents at starting on 9 March.  

How can I register for at-home voting?

You can register for at-home voting by contacting the central municipal election board of your municipality by 16.00 on 28 May 2024. 

Contact details of the central municipal electoral boards at

I have moved after 19 April 2024. Where can I vote?

The election day polling station for the 2024 European elections is determined based on your address in the Population Information System on 19 April 2024. If you move after 19 April 2024, your election day polling station is determined in accordance with your previous place of residence. However, you may vote in advance at any of the general advance polling stations in Finland or abroad. 

How do I prove my identity and what do I need to bring to the polling station? 

How do I prove my identity at the polling station?

You must prove your identity with a photo ID, such as a passport, driving licence or identity card issued by the police.

If you do not have any of these, you can apply for a temporary identity card for voting purposes free of charge at the nearest police department.

Is an expired ID suitable for proving identity at the polling station? 

The basic principle is that the ID presented to an election official must be valid. However, assessing the adequacy of the proof of identity is at the discretion of the election official present at the polling station on a case-by-case basis. For example, if a passport has expired a short while ago and the voter can be identified from the photo, it may be accepted as proof of identity. In such a case, you should also bring your Kela card and any other documents that can be used to verify your identity.

What do I have to take with me when I go to the polling station?

When you go to the polling station, take some form of official photo ID with you, for example your passport, identity card or driving licence. You do not need to bring the polling card to the polling station.

Do I have to bring a pen? 

There are pens available at the polling station, but you can also bring your own pen if you want.
How should I act at the polling station?

How should I act at the polling station?

May I assist my family member or friend at the polling station?

Yes, you may. A voter whose ability to mark the ballot is essentially weakened may be assisted in marking the ballot. The assistant may be either an election official or a person chosen by the voter.

Can I bring a child to the polling station?

The main rule is that each voter goes to the voting booth alone. Eventually, it is up to the election officials present at the polling station to decide, on a case-by-case basis, whether an exception can be made to this.

Are polling stations accessible?

The central municipal election boards are responsible for the practical arrangements at the polling stations, including accessibility.

What if I forget the number of my candidate when I go to the voting booth?

The list of candidates will be displayed in the voting booth.

Can I get a new ballot if I accidentally write a wrong number on the ballot and realise this in the voting booth?

You will receive a new ballot and the old ballot will be torn in front of an election official.

What can I write on the ballot in addition to the candidate number?

Absolutely nothing else. Your ballot may be considered invalid if it contains any other markings than the candidate number. You can find instructions on how to write the numbers on the website and in the voting booth.